Articles on: Schedules and courses

Change, Add, or Remove Teacher/Room for a Subject from a Selected Date Onwards

If you need to make a major change related to the teacher or room for a subject, this can be done quickly in Docendo. See the options below for adding, removing, and replacing teachers/rooms going forward.

Add Teacher/Room Onwards:

Go to the date the change should apply from.
Click on the subject on the selected date.
Make sure the teacher/room is assigned to the subject.
Click on the teacher/room you want to add going forward (note: click the calendar icon next to the name).

Click 'Add onwards'.

The teacher or room is now added to the subject from the selected date onward.

Remove Teacher/Room Onwards:

Go to the date the change should apply from.
Click on the subject on the selected date.
Make sure the teacher/room is assigned to the subject.
Click on the teacher/room you want to remove going forward (note: click the calendar icon next to the name).
Click 'Remove onwards'.

Replace Teacher/Room Onwards:

Go to the date the change should apply from.
Click on the subject on the selected date.
Make sure the teacher/room is assigned to the subject.
Click on the teacher/room you want to replace going forward (note: click the calendar icon next to the name).
Select the teacher or room you want to replace it with, and click 'Replace onwards'.

If the change should only apply for a certain period (and not for the rest of the school year), you can repeat any of the above steps on the date the change should no longer apply — to add, remove, or replace the teacher/room going forward again.

Updated on: 03/03/2025