Articles on: User administration

How to Create Staff Members

To grant a new employee access to Docendo, you can create a new user at any time.

Click on Settings ⚙️ in the top right corner.
Click on Staff.
Click on Create Staff Member.

Now you can add one or more users by entering a name (e.g., a teacher, educator, substitute, etc.). For each user, you can also choose login options. Enter an email to allow the staff member to log in.

NOTE: If you do not add an email for a staff member, they will be created without login access but can still be assigned to subjects in the scheduling system. Login credentials can always be added later by clicking 'Edit' next to the user you want to update.

A user without login access can be useful if, for example, a substitute does not yet have login credentials or if you need to create a schedule for someone who has not been hired yet. Later, the "real" user can take over the temporary user's schedule (see Transfer a Schedule Fully or for a Period), ensuring that only one user appears in Docendo.

Updated on: 10/03/2025